Save $400 per vacancy by predicting turnover-risk

Hero Illustration


Three steps to smarter hiring


Create a Job

List Employer name, Job Title and description.


Upload Resume in Bulk

Integrate with your ATS or Upload resumes of candidates


Find the Best Candidate

Sort and analyze resumes based on Culture Fit, Skills and minimum requirements.

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Benefits of TurnUp

Save 15% on Hiring Costs

Save hundreds per year for each employee you have by preventing costly turnovers and never worry about losing your best employees again


Simple to Use Insights

TurnUp offers straightforward analysis of resumes to determine who is the best fit for your team

Stop wasting time

By identifying candidates who are likely to leave in the first few months

Deepdive on what matters

Go beyond the basic and easily gamed skill matching to understand the true drivers of candidate excellence like organizational and interpersonal fit.

Track multiple candidates

Compare multiple applicants easily on the metrics you care about

A Model for Every Industry

Our proprietary culture fit and retention model is trained on over 100M work histories for a complete view of the US corporate culture landscape.

A Diverse Set

We sourced data from numerous sources to make sure that no profession, industry or firm was left out.

First of it's Kind

Our proprietary AI/ML model uses cutting edge techniques to understand firm culture and employee culture fit.

Actionable recommendations

Our resume breakdown of model outputs lets you understand where onboarding friction is likely to occur for a more informed hiring decision.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Start evaluating resumes today?

Increase your employee retention with our AI systems

TurnUp is an AI company built to save you money by telling you which employees and potential hires are going to leave, and what you can do to make them stay in the long term.
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